The Management System for Quality of our company is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001; said recognition demonstrates our commitment to providing high quality products and services and in meeting the needs and expectations of our customers.

Considering the quality of our work an essential element, neglecting control would ruin all updates made in manufacturing processes and would undermine the use of advanced machine tools; why we have invested heavily on the completeness of our testing which now includes over to a pallet video recorder, hardness testers HRC and HB, profile projector and two roughness, roundness also a Taylor Hobson for control of cylindricity.


Mechanical custom work, turning, milling and grinding

Company Products Machine tools Quality Contact us Versione italiana

F.lli LONGINOTTI S.p.A. Via Brescia, 125 Travagliato (BS) - Tel. 030/6865001- Fax 030/6863315 -

Capitale sociale interamente versato €156.000,00 - C.C.I.A.A. n° 165632xx Numero mecc. BS 020559 - Codice fiscale, Partita IVA e Reg. Impr. BS 00295840177